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一杯來自英國的香濃牛奶,是一份有營滋味早餐的關鍵!源自可信賴的農場,M&S的新鮮牛奶符合英國皇家防止虐待動物協會(RSPCA)的動物福利標準。備有脫脂及半脫脂奶選擇,可以輕鬆配搭不同食材如水果及穀物等,製作一份營養豐富的早餐,為每一天打氣!快來我們的門市選購,享受英倫優質牛奶的滋味! 緊貼M&S最新資訊,記得follow我們的Instagram: 【🥛This is not just any Milk, this is M&S Milk】
Quality milk is the essence of a great breakfast! Our fresh milk from the UK is your best bet on starting the day on the right foot. RSPCA Assured to ensure high animal welfare standards, our fresh milk comes in skimmed and semi-skimmed, perfect for cereals or coffee to give you the fuel you need for the day. Stock up in stores today! Follow our Instagram for the latest news from M&S: #MandSHK #MandSFood #Milk #SkimmedMilk #SemiSkimmed #ThisIsNotJust #唯MandS英國馬莎獨有 展开