【健康早餐,有種滋味,唯M&S英國馬莎獨有】 M&S Café早前推出一系列全新菜式,當中包括數款營養健康早餐︰藜麥沙律配中東炸雞心豆丸、炒蛋配多士,以及英式烘餅配牛油及果醬,麵包和烘餅由英國直送的麵團焗製而成,而炒蛋多士則採用自由放養雞雞蛋,讓新鮮食材的美味注入每個醒神的早上。一份富有英倫格調的早餐,絕對是一天的好開始!即到太古城或朗豪坊分店,展開英式品味的新一天! 大部份由M&S Café提供的食材均可以在M&S食品部內買到,你可購買食材在家輕鬆 DIY,隨時隨地享受到M&S的高質食品!... 緊貼M&S最新資訊,記得follow我們的Instagram: 【This is not just any Breakfast, this is M&S Breakfast!】 Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so we have created some new breakfast dishes on our menu to keep you fueled and feeling good. From Quinoa Salad with Falafel, Scrambled Eggs on Toast, to Toasted Crumpets with Butter & Jam, the tasty secret comes from the British dough and free range eggs. Visit our Cafés at Cityplaza and Langham Place for a good breakfast. Prefer the comforts of your own home? Shop fresh ingredients at M&S Food Hall to create your favourite breakfast plate. Follow our Instagram for the latest news from M&S: #MandSHK #MandSCafe #ThisIsNotJust #唯MandS英國馬莎獨有 #breakfast 展开