趕在最後一刻預備母親節禮物?不妨到M&S選購各款精選茶點,帶着香濃的牛油鬆餅和果醬與媽媽享受一頓即興的下午茶,讓美好時光成為送給她的最佳禮物。現在您需要煩惱的只是:應先塗厚忌廉抑或果醬在鬆餅上好呢?🤔 ✨ 立即到M&S門市或流動應用程式選購: Pick up last-minute Mother’s Day goodies in store, like our buttery scones and fruity jam – lovely with a cuppa if you’re able to spend the day together, or a thoughtful treat left on her doorstep. The question is – what comes first, cream or jam? 🤔... ✨ Shop in-stores or on M&S Hong Kong App at now. #MarksandSpencer #MandSHK 展开