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【M&S賀年好煮意#5】「撈起」這道亞洲風味的新年菜式,只要加添來自M&S的創意,也會變得非同凡響。例如以M&S扁意粉代替中式麵條,配上以M&S南瓜甜薯湯製作的醬汁,保證讓賓客眼前一亮! 😋🍽️ 加上包羅萬有的豐富配料,祝願親朋好友衣食豐足,心想事成。 快到M&S門市尋找你的心水食材! 提提你,M&S Hong Kong 流動應用程式暫時關閉,將於2月13日恢復正常運作。 By adding a little M&S twist to “Lou Hei” with M&S linguine and M&S butternut squash and sweet potato soup, you will turn the traditional festive dish into a unique fusion cuisine! 😋🍽️ The M&S recipe also grabs the guests’ attention with tons of other ingredients, ensuring to fill your fami

M&S扁意粉 ½包
蒜頭 2片 (切碎) 植物油 1湯匙
紅蘿蔔 ½個 (切絲)
紅色燈籠椒 1個 (切絲)
蔥 適量 (切絲)
芫荽 適量 (切絲)
焗花生 30克
木耳 10克 (浸軟,切絲)
鹽 少許
白胡椒 少許
杏鮑菇 適量 杏鮑菇炸漿材料
粟粉 20克
糯米粉 20克
麵粉 20克
蒜粉 ½茶匙
黑胡椒 ¼茶匙
鹽 ¼茶匙
水 95毫升水 M&S南瓜甜薯湯 1罐
水 ½罐
鹽 少許
黑胡椒 少許 步驟
1. 先將Panasonic蒸氣焗爐設定至對流模式並預熱至170度,將花生烘烤30分鐘至金黃。待花生冷卻後,用攪拌機打碎備用。
2. 依照包裝上的指示煮熟M&S扁意粉後待冷卻。熱鑊加熱植物油,炒香蒜頭,再加入扁意粉烹煮,以鹽及胡椒調味。煮好後先上碟。
3. 用蒸氣焗爐將木耳蒸煮1分鐘,以鹽及胡椒調味。(如沒有蒸氣焗爐,也可水蒸)
4. 將紅蘿蔔絲、紅椒絲、蔥絲和木耳絲悉心擺放在扁意粉旁邊。
5. 將炸漿材料在碗中混合。將杏鮑菇沾上炸漿,用熱油炸至金黃,上碟。
6. 最後,隔水加熱M&S南瓜甜薯湯2分鐘,以鹽及胡椒調味,便完成「撈起」的醬汁,可配上「撈起」一同品嚐。 LOU HEI PROSPERITY NOODLE INGREDIENTS
½ pkt M&S Linguine
2 pips Garlic, chopped
1 tbsp Oil
½ Carrot, julienne
1 Red Capsicum, julienne
A handful Spring onion, thinly sliced
A handful Coriander leaves, for garnish
30 g Roasted peanuts
10 g Wood ear fungus, soaked and thinly sliced
A pinch Salt
A pinch White pepper
A handful Oyster mushroom MUSHROOM BATTER INGREDIENTS 20 g Corn flour
20 g Rice flour
20 g Flour
½ tsp Garlic powder
¼ tsp Black pepper
¼ tsp Salt
95 ml Water 1 can M&S Butternut Squash & Sweet Potato Soup
½ can Water
A pinch Salt
A pinch Black pepper METHOD
1. Preheat Panasonic Cubie oven on convection function at 170c and bake the peanuts till golden brown for roughly 30 minutes. Set aside to cool then pulse in the food processor.
2. Cook M&S linguine according to packet instruction and set aside. Heat oil in a frying pan and saute garlic until fragrant then add in the pasta. Season with salt and pepper. Arrange on a serving plate.
3. Steam wood ear fungus in the oven for 1 minute then season with salt and pepper. (If you do not have Cubie oven, you can steam them over the stove)
4. Arrange carrot, capsicum, spring onion & wood ear fungus on the side of the noodles.
5. In a small bowl, combine mushroom batter ingredients then dip the oyster mushrooms in it and deep fry in hot oil till golden brown. Arrange them on the serving dish.
6. For the gravy, heat up M&S Butternut Squash with water in a sauce pot for 2 minutes and season to taste with salt & pepper. Serve with the noodles. 展开