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【M&S賀年好煮意#4】想小朋友也感受到濃厚新年氣氛,不妨和孩子一起享受入廚樂! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 M&S另一賀年食譜 —萬事「魚」意批,以酥皮製成趣緻的魚造型 🐠 ,可以鼓勵小孩子一同參與創作,盡享節日的親子時光。想與孩子一同炮製更多色香味俱全的新年菜式,歡迎到M&S門市及M&S Hong Kong 流動應用程式選購優質食材。 📍限時優惠: 於M&S HK流動應用程式購物淨額滿$800,即享免費送貨! Enjoy fun in the kitchen during holidays with your kids! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Our new recipe - The Seafood Pie will let the creativity juices of the little ones flow through the puff pastry by making it into a shape of a lovely sea creature

酥皮 3塊
植物油 2湯匙
黃洋蔥 40克 (切粒)
蒜頭 1片 (切碎)
M&S雜豆 ½罐
M&S三文魚 1罐
M&S羅勒青醬 2湯匙
青椒 50克 (切粒)
雙色芝士 50克(水牛芝士和車打芝士)
雞蛋 1隻 (打成蛋漿) 步驟
1. 熱鑊加熱植物油,將洋蔥和蒜頭炒香,再把M&S雜豆和M&S三文魚加入鑊炒。
2. 加入M&S羅勒青醬一邊煮一邊拌勻。
3. 放入青椒粒再煮20秒後,熄火備用。
4. 將Panasonic蒸氣焗爐設定為對流模式,預熱至180c。
5. 將一塊酥皮呈菱形地放在烤盤上,中央鋪上烹調好的三文魚餡料,模仿成魚的模樣。最後在面頭撒上芝士。
6. 在餡料頂部和底部的酥皮上切1寸闊。然後將頂部和底部的酥皮重疊以形成魚的形狀(請參閱相片作參考)。
7. 塗上雞漿烤焗15-20分鐘,直到酥皮變成金黃色即成。 SEAFOOD PIE INGREDIENTS
3 pcs Puff Pastry
2 tbsp Oil
40 g Yellow onion, diced
1 pips Garlic, chopped
½ can M&S mixed beans
1 can M&S red salmon
2 tbsp M&S green pesto
50 g Green capsicum, diced
50 g Mixed cheese (mozzarella & cheddar)
1 Egg, beaten for egg wash METHOD
1. Heat up a frying pan with oil and saute onions and garlic until fragrant. Add in M&S mixed beans, followed by M&S red salmon.
2. Stir in M&S pesto and mix well to combine.
3. Toss in the green capsicums and cook for 20 seconds. Remove from stove and set aside.
4. Preheat oven on convection function to 180c.
5. Place a piece of puff pastry on a tray in a diagonal shape. Arrange red salmon filling in the middle to resemble a fish shape then sprinkle some cheese over it.
6. Make a 1 inch slit on the pastry at the top and bottom of the filling. Then overlap top and bottom pastry to form a fish shape (Refer to image for reference).
7. Brush pastry with egg wash and bake for 15-20 minutes until pastry is golden brown. Ready to be served. 展开