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【M&S賀年好煮意#3】讓一年的開始由家人的笑聲展開。🎉 M&S特別推介一款大人小朋友都食指大動的意頭菜式:「黃金笑哈蝦」🦐,   

【M&S賀年好煮意#3】讓一年的開始由家人的笑聲展開。🎉 M&S特別推介一款大人小朋友都食指大動的意頭菜式:「黃金笑哈蝦」🦐,香脆大蝦與惹味醬汁配搭得天衣無縫,一家大小必定搶着嚐味,一室笑聲滿載!

今天就到就近的M&S門市或M&S Hong Kong 流動應用程式發掘更多新年「煮」意。 📍限時優惠: 於M&S HK流動應用程式購物淨額滿$800,即享免費送貨! ... Let's start the new year with a smile and share it with your family. There's no better way to welcome a new year than having a meal together! 🎉 Marks & Spencer's new recipe: Cereal Prawns with Spicy Mandarin Sauce 🦐, will guarantee a finger-licking experience. Juicy and crispy jumbo shrimp paired with a sweet, tangy and spicy sauce will definitely bring joy and happiness on to the dining table.
Visit our stores or download M&S Hong Kong mobile app to discover more recipes for your celebration. 📍LIMITED TIME OFFER: Enjoy FREE delivery when you shop with min. nett spend of $800! #ThisIsNotJust #CNY #PanasonicCooking #tchfoodworks 「黃金笑哈蝦」 - 香橙辣醬炸大蝦 預備大蝦 食材
大蝦 5隻 (洗淨及去腸)
鹽 ½茶匙
白胡椒粉 ½茶匙
金桔汁 1湯匙
M&S香橙果醬 2湯匙
粟粉 2湯匙
蛋白 1隻 (打成蛋白漿)
M&S士多啤梨杏仁脆餅 100克 (壓碎) 步驟
將Panasonic 蒸氣焗爐(NU-SC180)設定至健康脆炸模式預熱。
將大蝦放入蒸氣焗爐的下層炸10-11分鐘後上碟(或者將大蝦在鑊油炸)。 預備香橙辣醬 食材
植物油 2湯匙
蔥 3 (切碎)
薑醬 1茶匙
大蒜 2片 (切碎)
辣椒 1隻 (切絲)
金桔汁 1湯匙
M&S香橙果醬 4湯匙
水 100-120毫升
胡椒粉和鹽 適量 (調味用)
芫荽 適量 (裝飾用) 步驟
加入M&S香橙果醬、金桔汁和水煮1分鐘。待冷卻後與大蝦一同上碟。 For the prawns INGREDIENTS
5 prawns, cleaned and deveined
½ tsp salt
½ tsp white pepper 1 tbsp calamansi juice
2 tbsp M&S Mandarin Marmalade
2 tbsp corn flour
1 egg white, whisk
100 g M&S Strawberry & Almond Crunch, lightly crushed METHOD
Season prawns with salt, white pepper, calamansi juice and M&S Mandarin Marmalade. Set aside for 15 minutes to marinate.
Preheat Panasonic Cubie Oven (NU-SC180) on healthy fry function.
Coat prawns with corn flour, followed by egg white. Then coat prawns with crushed M&S cereal crunch. Arrange prawns on a tray with the rack.
Place the tray on the lower level of the Cubie Oven. Cook for 10 - 11 minutes. Remove from Cubie Oven and set aside. (Alternatively, the prawns can also be deep fried on stove). For the Spicy Mandarin Sauce INGREDIENTS
2 tbsp oil
3 shallots, chopped
1 tsp ginger paste
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 red chili, thinly sliced
1 tbsp calamansi juice
4 tbsp M&S Mandarin Marmalade
100 -120ml water
Pepper and salt to taste Coriander leaves as garnish METHOD
To prepare the sauce, heat up the oil in a small sauce pot on medium heat.
Saute garlic till fragrant then add in sliced red chili.
Add in M&S Mandarin Marmalade, calamansi juice and water. Cook for 1 minute and set aside. Let cool and serve with the prawns. See more