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【歲晚大掃除 乾淨迎新年✨】   

【歲晚大掃除 乾淨迎新年✨】

原來還有一個星期就到「年廿八,洗邋遢」的時候了!😲 M&S的清潔用品全不經動物測試,由廚房清潔劑、家具噴霧到潔廁液一應俱全,現更新推出環保清潔劑系列,是助你輕鬆清潔家居的好幫手!立即到門市或於M&S流動應用程式📲選購,將家居清潔得乾淨又香噴噴吧! 📍部份清潔用品正進行$40兩支優惠... 提提你,經M&S流動應用程式購物的送貨服務將於2月12至14日(年初一至初三)暫停,如果想安在家中訂購賀年用品,記得提早下單呀! CNY spring cleaning is just a week away!😲We’ve got you covered with a comprehensive line-up of cruelty-free cleaning products including kitchen cleaner, furniture polish spray, toilet cleaner and the newly launched eco-friendly cleaners , so you can clean your home with ease and make any space shine inside and out! Shop yours in store or on M&S Hong Kong App📲 to get ready for spring cleaning today!
📍2 for $40 on selected cleaning items Quick reminder: There will be no delivery service for orders made on M&S Hong Kong App on 12-14 February (i.e. The first to third day of CNY), so remember to place your order before then! #MandSHK 展开