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在農曆新年這個喜慶日子,又怎少得令氣氛更高漲的美酒呢?M&S多款法國佳釀🇫🇷定能滿足你的口味,包括帶有西柚和青草香氣的Bordeaux Blanc、經橡木桶陳釀的Pauillac和入口清新柔順的La Dame En Rouge,現於門市任選紅白酒、香檳或氣酒4支或以上即享8折,或於M&S流動應用程式📲任選12支或以上亦有8折,於下午4時前下單,翌日送到你手!立即選購,喝著法國佳釀喜迎新年!🙌🏻
提提你,經M&S流動應用程式購物的送貨服務將於2月12至14日(年初一至初三)暫停,如果想安在家中訂購賀年用品,記得提早下單呀! It goes without saying that wine makes any festivity livelier. From refreshingly citrusy Bordeaux Blanc to oak barrel aged Pauillac to wonderfully smooth La Dame En Rouge, our range of French wines🇫🇷 are ...sure to please the most discerning palate. Shop 4 or more bottles of red or white wine, champagne or sparkling wine in-store, or shop 12 or more on M&S Hong Kong App📲 today to save 20% and secure a joyful CNY celebration ahead. Cheers! 🙌🏻 Quick reminder: There will be no delivery service for orders made on M&S Hong Kong App on 12-14 February (i.e. The first to third day of CNY), so remember to place your order before then!
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