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【賀年衣飾優惠低至78折🧧 - 女裝篇】   

【賀年衣飾優惠低至78折🧧 - 女裝篇】

新一年想好運降臨,甚至遇上命中注定的姻緣?🌸今個農曆新年一於換上紅色針織衫、碎花襯衫和羽絨背心等亮麗賀年造型,說不定月老會為您帶來好姻緣!😊現購買服裝淨額滿$388即享88折,滿$888即享78折!立即到門市及網上商店: 選購賀年衣飾吧! Make good luck and romance come to you by wearing festive outfits this Chinese New Year! From red jumper to floral blouse to puffer gilet, these holiday-perfect pieces are here to help you catch Yue Lao’s (God of Marriage) eye and get his blessing!😊Spend a net amount of $388 or more on clothing to get 12% off, and ...$888 or more to get 22% off! Shop in-store or online now: =======================================
優惠不適用於美容及護理用品、家品、食品及飲品 。受條款及細則約束,請參閱店內宣傳海報。
Beauty, home, food and beverages are excluded from the offer. Terms & Conditions Apply. For more details, please refer to in-store promotional materials.
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