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【門市限定 | 精選早餐食品2件8折】   

【門市限定 | 精選早餐食品2件8折】

聖誕新年大餐過後,不如早餐吃健康一點,讓身體休息一下吧!😉M&S精選早餐食品現正進行門市限定優惠,任選2件或以上8折,包括高纖全麥塊、口感豐富的果仁燕麥片和以法國牛油製成的較低脂牛角酥,讓你在早上吃個健康又美味的早餐,在新一年每天都元氣滿滿!💪🏻立即到M&S門市選購,讓美味早餐成為每日起床的動力! After all the feasting during the holiday season, it’s time to let your body rest with a healthy breakfast!😉 From fibre-filled wholegrain wheat bisks to crunchy nut granola to reduced fat croissants made with French butter, our wide range of healthy, delicious breakfast food will fuel you up and keep you ener...gised throughout the day!💪🏻Instore exclusive promotion - Shop 2 or more selected breakfast items today to save 20% NOW! =======================================
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