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距離聖誕還有2天!🎄想在派對時炒熱氣氛,不如讓大家先舉杯暢飲一杯吧!🍾M&S有多款派對飲品供你選擇,包括暖心又暖身的聖誕傳統飲品香料酒、狂歡派對必備的氣酒,以至大人小孩都愛喝的無酒精有氣果汁特飲,確保派對中每一位賓客都能盡興,感受歡樂聖誕氣氛!立即到門市選購或免費下載M&S流動應用程式📲,隨時隨地輕鬆下單,令派對更愉快難忘! 📲立即到App Store免費下載:bit.ly/2XwBs6K... 令氣氛更高漲的聖誕派對飲品,唯M&S英國馬莎獨有🌟 We’re finally 2 days to Christmas!🎄Need an ice-breaker for your party? A nice Christmas drink will do the trick!🍾From warm, cosy mulled wine to party-perfect bubbles to non-alcoholic sparkling juices that are adored by adults and kids alike, our assortment of Christmas drinks will make sure everyone has a wonderful time at the party! Shop Christmas drinks in-store, or download M&S Hong Kong App📲now to shop anytime, anywhere! 📲Download from your App Store now for FREE: bit.ly/2XwBs6K #ThisIsNotJust any drink, they’re mood-boosting M&S Christmas party drinks🌟 #MandSHK See more