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充滿歡樂氣氛的聖誕節,又怎少得美味糖果襯托?🍬🍫M&S的應節糖果現任選2件只需$99,包括經典榛子果仁軟心朱古力、車厘子酒心黑朱古力和果汁味啫喱糖等多款香甜糖果供你選擇,最適合放在茶几上的裝飾盤中,讓家人賓客隨時吃一粒,品嚐節日滋味!快來門市選購,感受聖誕味道! 經典應節糖果,唯M&S英國馬莎獨有🌟... A joyful Christmas would not be complete without delicious festive confectionery!🍬🍫Our seasonal favourites including Operetta, Cherry Liqueurs and Jelly Fruits are now only 2 for $99. They're perfect for filling the centrepiece on your coffee table, so that everyone can enjoy some festive treats during conversation! Shop yours in-store today! #ThisIsNotJust any sweets, they are M&S classic seasonal favourites🌟
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