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還有50日就到聖誕節,已經急不及待想感受聖誕氣氛?M&S聖誕市集經已登 陸門市,快來率先感受歐陸聖誕氣氛!今年首次推出屋子造型蘇格蘭牛油香酥餅音樂盒禮盒和立體Percy小豬香酥餅禮盒,不但美味可口,而且包裝精緻得體,送禮自用都一樣適合!精選聖誕朱古力及餅食現任選2件或以上8折,快來門市選購,開啟難忘聖誕的序幕吧! It's 50 days until Christmas! Can’t wait to indulge in the Christmas spirit? M&S Christmas gift shops are now open and all is left is you! Our New Shortbread Musical House Tin and Merry Percymas Biscuit Tin are not only irresistibly delicious, they are also elegantly packaged so that they’re equally perfect... for gifting and self-enjoyment. Get yours at our Christmas gift shops to kick start the festive season today! ======================================= 受條款及細則約束。數量有限,送完即止。
Terms & conditions apply. Available while stock lasts. #MandSHK #MandSFood 展开