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今年復活節假期,在 Lady M 來一場尋「蛋」遊戲!銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 旗艦店為你供應多款以雞蛋作主題鹹食餐點,   

今年復活節假期,在 Lady M 來一場尋「蛋」遊戲!銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 旗艦店為你供應多款以雞蛋作主題鹹食餐點,滋味無窮的「牛油果炒蛋漢堡」、豐富的「意式早餐蛋批」、香濃的「松露炒蛋芝士窩夫」和芝香十足的「菠菜芝士奄列伴蘑菇醬」,哪一款是你最愛的復活「蛋」呢?

*假日早午餐逢星期六、日及公眾假期 11am - 3pm 於銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 旗艦店供應
Egg-based dishes are egg-specially popular during Easter time. Our Fashion Walk Flagship is where you can fully satisfy your egg cravings. From Breakfast Frittata to Brioche Burger, from Spinach Cheese Omelette with Mushroom Sauce to Three-cheese Waffle with Truffled Egg, dig into an e...gg-cellent brunch this holiday!
. #LadyMHK #LadyM #CausewayBay #Flagship #SavouryMenu #brunchidea #hkfoodies #hkig #fashionwalk #foodphotography #sunnydayvibes #brunchhour #vegetarian #egg
#egglover #eggporn #egghunting #avocado #avocadolover #brunch #銅鑼灣 #銅鑼灣美食 #卵 #卵料理 @ Lady M Fashion Walk 展开