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【香港限定 - 士多啤梨棋盤蛋糕】   

【香港限定 - 士多啤梨棋盤蛋糕】

Lady M 為各位蛋糕迷帶來 2020 年首個全新驚喜,推出全球首次登場的士多啤梨棋盤蛋糕!這款由香港團隊創作的獨家口味,以經典的朱古力棋盤蛋糕為靈感,粉紅色的雲呢拿海綿蛋糕及黑色的竹炭朱古力海綿蛋糕交織成撞色方格,棋盤之間抹上加入新鮮士多啤梨製成的忌廉芝士,外層塗上粉紅色士多啤梨朱古力醬,並飾以紅桑子碎粒,酸酸甜甜伴隨果香,用最甜蜜的味道展開新一年。
件裝蛋糕明天(1 月 17 日)起於全線 Lady M 香港店供應,原個蛋糕亦將同時接受預訂,最快取餅日期為 2 月 1 日。澳門店將於 2 月 1 日起供應。
Checkmate! Making its global debut in Hong Kong, our Black Pink Checkers is the cake that would get the best of even a chess master. Its incredible pattern is composed of charcoal chocolate and vanill...a sponge cake. Each checker is bordered by fresh strawberry cream cheese frosting, while silky pink strawberry chocolate ganache gives the cake a slick surface. This HK-exclusive creation is available in slice tomorrow at Hong Kong boutiques or as 6-inch or 9-inch whole cake through pre-order. Available at Macau boutiques from 1 February onwards.
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