捱到星期三,吃個豐富午餐獎勵一下自己吧!Lady M 銅鑼灣旗艦店為你提供多款午市套餐菜式,包括滋味十足的「經典意式番茄扁意粉」、「野菌菠菜芝士意大利雲吞」和令人食指大動的「牛油果炒蛋漢堡」等,由前菜、主菜、蛋糕到飲品全部任你配搭,來挑選你的 Lunch Combo 吧!
From vibrant pasta and ravioli to hearty burgers and bagels, our Fashion Walk Flagship boutique got plenty of delicious lunch selections to keep your midday eating on the right track. Bon appétit!
#LadyMHK #CausewayBay #FlagshipBoutique #Lunch #setlunch #lunchhour #timeforlunch #lunchideas #lunchdate #SavouryMenu #lunchvibes #sunnydayvibes #goodmeal #lunchtime # #avocado #vegetarian #lightlunch #relaxing #銅鑼灣美食
From vibrant pasta and ravioli to hearty burgers and bagels, our Fashion Walk Flagship boutique got plenty of delicious lunch selections to keep your midday eating on the right track. Bon appétit!
#LadyMHK #CausewayBay #FlagshipBoutique #Lunch #setlunch #lunchhour #timeforlunch #lunchideas #lunchdate #SavouryMenu #lunchvibes #sunnydayvibes #goodmeal #lunchtime # #avocado #vegetarian #lightlunch #relaxing #銅鑼灣美食