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牛年到了!Lady M 在此恭祝各位蛋糕迷恭喜發財,牛年事事順利,身體健康,百毒不侵!   

牛年到了!Lady M 在此恭祝各位蛋糕迷恭喜發財,牛年事事順利,身體健康,百毒不侵!節日期間我們將會照常營業,別忘記帶上我們的蛋糕去拜年,與親朋好友一同祝願步步「糕」陞,豐衣足食!

Kung Hei Fat Choy! We are officially in the Year of Ox! At this time of togetherness and optimism, remember to enjoy yourself as well as all the sweet treats from Lady M with your favourite people. Wish you a year of great fortune and health ahead!
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