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【人氣熱賣!Lady M 冬季夢幻聖誕禮盒】   

【人氣熱賣!Lady M 冬季夢幻聖誕禮盒】

今年或許無法外遊過聖誕,但有了 Lady M 的 #冬季夢幻聖誕禮盒 聖誕倒數月曆 (HK$588),就能瞬間帶你到紐約市的聖誕嘉年華!拉起禮盒內的水晶球,浪漫歡樂的冬日景緻立刻呈現眼前,小雪人、聖誕樹、馴鹿和聖誕老人為你送上滿滿的節日祝福;打開 24 格小抽屜,裏面盛載着一共 12 款糖果和朱古力,由 12 月第一天起,每日給你一款甜蜜驚喜,倒數節日的到來。禮盒更附有心意卡及信封,讓你在這歡欣佳節為親朋好友表達溫暖的心意。 Lady M 的 #冬季夢幻聖誕禮盒 聖誕倒數月曆現正人氣熱賣中,部分分店只剩餘少量現貨,快來選購這份精緻的節日賀禮吧!
Make this holiday season extra sweet with Lady M’s Winter Dreams Advent Calendar (HK$588). Have you bought yours yet?
Featuring an interactive snow globe and 24 drawers filled with gummies and chocolates, this is the ultimate holiday gift. Make sure to get one before this limited edition is sold out! Now available at all Hong Kong boutiques.
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