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【Bath like an Indian princess】 Inspired by the indulgent bathing ritual    

【Bath like an Indian princess】 Inspired by the indulgent bathing ritual undergone by Indian princesses, the Pure Calm Wellness Oil from Uma envelopes your senses with a resplendently royal aroma: Sandalwood lends a woody aroma that stimulates positivity and confidence, while mood-boosting jasmine and soothing vetiver and lavender oils work their rich and relaxing magic

From now on to 3 May, take our online quiz and find out which remedies can make you sleep better (you can also buy them directly online NOW!). A good night sleep is just a few clicks away: 【印度公主淋浴法】 UMA的 Pure Calm Wellness精油,把印度公主縱情享受的淋浴儀式帶到家中,以迷人的皇室香氣簇擁全身感官:檀香木的沉穩香氣帶出內心的正能量和自信;加上提升情緒的茉莉花、撫慰心靈的香根草和具放鬆身心神效的薰衣草。配方中的荷荷巴和玫瑰果油,為肌膚提供一系列抗氧化物,包括讓皮膚變得柔軟的維他命E,不僅能舒緩炎症,更同時保濕和修護。提升你的me time淋浴時光,洗去一天的煩憂壓力,讓身心回復酣暢平和。 從現在起到5月3日,上網回答簡單問題,便能找到安睡寧神的竅門 (找到心頭好還能立即下單購買!)。一夜好眠,只在彈指之間: #JOYCEBeauty
#umaoils ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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