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【The perfect baby shower gift】 Pamper the new-born babies with Dr.   

【The perfect baby shower gift】 Pamper the new-born babies with Dr. Barbara Sturm’s Baby and Kids set, five full sized products that Dr. Barbara originally developed for her own daughter and a plush companion are all packed in one mignon suitcase — the perfect gift to welcome babies into the world. 【迎接初生嬰兒的最佳禮物】... 以 Dr. Barbara Sturm的嬰兒兒童套裝,呵護初生嬰兒的幼嫩肌膚。可愛的小行李箱,盛載了五件正常大小的護理用品,全是Dr. Barbara最初為女兒研發的天然無害配方,還附送小兔毛公仔,是迎接落地孩兒的貼心厚禮。 #JOYCEBeauty

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