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【A love letter to the planet, once every month】 Did you know that every woman uses an average of 11,   

【A love letter to the planet, once every month】 Did you know that every woman uses an average of 11,000 disposable menstrual products in her lifetime? Uncomfortable, irritating and, worse of all, harmful to the environment

Now available at JOYCE Beauty! 【愛地球,從月事開始】 每位女性一生人平均也會用上11,000件即棄衛生用品!侷促、刺激皮膚,最壞的更是破壞地球,要反客為主、掌握個人「福祉」,OrganiCup正是解決問題的答案。來自哥本哈根的OrganiCup,旨在解放女性、改善女性月事的個人健康、文化和對環境的影響。醫學級的矽膠月經杯,不但比衛生巾、棉條更健康、方便和環保,用上它更可以如常游泳、跑步、做瑜珈,提供12小時的周全保護,更能重複使用多年,不僅省錢,更是愛地球的表現。
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