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【Here comes the Grain Rain】 With Grain Rain,   

【Here comes the Grain Rain】 With Grain Rain, the last solar term in spring, approaching, spring time is coming to an end. Crops need rain’s norishment, and so does our skin in order to prevent seasonal allergies. Want to learn more about how to nourish our heart and our skin as the season shifts? Listen to what Cinci has in mind.... 【是日穀雨】 穀雨的來臨,意味著我們已到了春季最後一個節氣了。農作物需要雨水的滋養,肌膚亦要多加滋潤,才能預防轉季容易出現的敏感情況。

想知道如何於季節交替期間,養心、養生、滋養肌膚?快來聽聽Cinci的建議。 On Cinci: Sacai @JOYCE #JOYCEBeauty #JOYCEGrooming #joycehk Votary Dr. Barbara Sturm Omorovicza Way Of Will #sacai #grainrain #wellness #solarterms #skincare ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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