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是時候換上清新的夏日新造型! 19/5前VIP購買任何SS19貨品可享低至75折優惠,並獲免費禮品,購買滿指定金額更可獲香港半島酒店2人下午茶劵(價值$790)!   

是時候換上清新的夏日新造型! 19/5前VIP購買任何SS19貨品可享低至75折優惠,並獲免費禮品,購買滿指定金額更可獲香港半島酒店2人下午茶劵(價值$790)!快點把握機會以嶄新的初夏造型品味生活! It's time to style your summer look with our VIP exclusive offer! From now till 19/5, VIP can enjoy up to 25% off on all SS19 items and free gift upon any purchase! In addition, you'll receive The Peninsula Hong Kong Tea Set voucher for 2 ($790) upon designated spending! *插畫由著名時尚插畫師 Mickco 設計...

Illustration was designed by renowned fashion illustrator Mickco 探索更多 Explore more: www.joy-peace.com
Instagram: joypeacehk
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