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為慶祝中環Joy & Peace新店開幕,由即日起,顧客凡於中環分店購物淨額滿HK$2,000,即可獲贈限量Joy & Peace X Mickco 時尚插畫雨傘一把(價值:$398)。數量有限,送完即止。
請即光臨中環新店,挑選最新鞋款,搭配不同的盛夏造型! 地址:中環德輔道中68號萬宜大廈1層117號舖... To celebrate our new shop opening in Central, shoppers with spending of HK$2,000 or above will be gifted a limited Joy & Peace X Mickco illustration umbrella (valued at HK$398). While stock lasts.
Visit our new store at Central and be ready for your summer look! Addresss: Shop 117, 1/F, Man Yee Arcade, 68 Des Voeux Road, Central 探索更多 Explore more: www.joy-peace.com
Instagram: joypeacehk
www.instagram.com/joypeacehk 展开