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今個春天,H&M Studio系列為大家帶嚟寫意自在嘅感覺😌!飄逸嘅剪裁同鮮艷嘅岩石圖案⛰️,   

今個春天,H&M Studio系列為大家帶嚟寫意自在嘅感覺😌!飄逸嘅剪裁同鮮艷嘅岩石圖案⛰️,糅合多種混搭材質 — 全新系列將於2月20日 H&M 銅鑼灣Fashion Walk旗艦店及網店矚目登場!

This spring, #HMStudio is all about feeling free & fabulous! 😌 Airy silhouettes, bright rock formation prints ⛰️ and an expressive mix of textures: new collection in H&M Fashion Walk CWB flagship store and online Feb 20. 😍 率先睇系列造型照 Preview the collection: hm.info/61874y2kW... #HMhongkong See more