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📣召集可持續發展時尚未來嘅創意點子!全球變革大獎Global Change Award現誠徵有識之士構思前所未有嘅創新意念💡,打造生生不息嘅循環發展時尚,同時保護我哋嘅地球♻️。   

📣召集可持續發展時尚未來嘅創意點子!全球變革大獎Global Change Award現誠徵有識之士構思前所未有嘅創新意念💡,打造生生不息嘅循環發展時尚,同時保護我哋嘅地球♻️。創意挑戰賽將選出5支得獎隊伍,🏆 分享100萬歐元獎金並獲得為期1年嘅創意加速實現計劃輔助。心動就立即上📲 globalchangeaward.com 報名同了解更多詳情啦!

Wanted 📣: innovations for a sustainable fashion future. The #GlobalChangeAward is looking for disruptive ideas 💡 that can make fashion circular ♻️. All to protect the planet, our home. 5 winners 🏆 share €1 million and get support during one year. 📲 Apply now at globalchangeaward.com! H&M Foundation #reinventfashion #circularfashion