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您有冇聽過室內設計嘅色彩黃金比例法則?🌈📐睇完呢條教學短片▶️您就會一清二楚,片中仲有更多快捷又簡單嘅小貼士幫您為家居注入更多色彩!今日就到銅鑼灣Fashion Walk旗艦店及尖沙咀廣東道門市發掘更多 #HMHome 新貨啦。

Have you ever heard of the interior stylists’ golden rule for decorating with colours 🌈📐? In this tutorial we will tell you all about it ▶️, plus more quick and easy hacks that add more colours to your home! Shop H&M HOME new arrivals today at Fashion Walk Causeway Bay flagship store and Canton Road Tsim Sha Tsui store. #HMhongkong #InStoreOnly