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學懂欣賞生活中嘅每件微小事物🌱,同Chrissie Chau 周秀娜一齊喺繁囂都市尋找幸福嘅起點!😊今日就到門市或上 hm.info/61854Mdjl 入手簡約飄逸初夏新裝,發掘自己最美一面💖,做個從容自信嘅女生。
Appreciate the smallest of things around you 🌱 and find happiness 😊 in the hustle and bustle of urban living with Chrissie Chau 周秀娜! Discover your most beautiful side 💖, be empowered to walk with poise and confidence. Shop flowy, minimalistic Pre-Summer styles now in stores or at hm.info/61854Mdjl . #HMhongkong #HMmacau #HMShopOnline