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節日嘅小確幸在於與身邊摯愛互相送贈祝福同心意🎁。今個聖誕,BabyJohn蔡瀚億準備送咩俾Cherry Ngan 顏卓靈? 一連三日我哋將會爲您呈獻兩位嘅聖誕窩心故事❤️,記得唔好錯過!   

節日嘅小確幸在於與身邊摯愛互相送贈祝福同心意🎁。今個聖誕,BabyJohn蔡瀚億準備送咩俾Cherry Ngan 顏卓靈? 一連三日我哋將會爲您呈獻兩位嘅聖誕窩心故事❤️,記得唔好錯過!而仲未入手佳節造型嘅您,歡迎嚟門市或上 hm.info/61864z6Hk 發掘全新節日系列🎅商品! Gifting🎁 with love is one of the greatest things in Christmas. Check out BabyJohn蔡瀚億‘s pick for Cherry Ngan 顏卓靈 and stay tuned for their love story❤️ in the upcoming 2 episodes on our Facebook page! If you are still looking for festive styling inspo, come and discover our holiday collection🎅 in stores or at hm.info/61864z6Hk ! #HMhongkong #HMmacau #HMBringOnTheFuture