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【🔔驚喜預告:聖誕別注小遊戲Holiday Cheers聽日即將登場!】   

【🔔驚喜預告:聖誕別注小遊戲Holiday Cheers聽日即將登場!】

困難重重嘅2020年即將走到尾聲,我哋準備咗一個好玩嘅線上小遊戲Holiday Cheers🎄爲您打打氣,齊齊用笑聲迎接全新一年😆,同時贏取豐富購物禮遇🎁!遊戲詳情將於聽日中午12點公佈,記得密切留意我哋嘅Facebook專頁啦~ 2020 is not an easy year for all of us. But it's time to wrap it up with hope and some fun😆! We are delighted to present an exclusive Christmas mini online game "Holiday Cheers🎄". Stay tuned for the incredible game rewards🎁 and more details at noon tomorrow!... #HMhongkong #HMmacau #HMBringOnTheFuture See more