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轉季🍂都要繼續著住最鍾意嘅舒適剪裁長褲!人氣闊腳褲及Mom Jeans👖以冬日色調及布料再度回歸,立即到門市或上 hm.info/61874K2qb 入手,打造每天自在又時尚嘅寒冷天造型。
轉季🍂都要繼續著住最鍾意嘅舒適剪裁長褲!人氣闊腳褲及Mom Jeans👖以冬日色調及布料再度回歸,立即到門市或上 hm.info/61874K2qb 入手,打造每天自在又時尚嘅寒冷天造型。
Your all-time fave mom jeans👖 and wide trousers are now available in fall-winter hues🍂 and materials. Snap them up in stores or at hm.info/61874K2qb for your everyday comfy yet chic cold weather style! #HMDivided #HMhongkong #HMmacau #HMShopOnline
Your all-time fave mom jeans👖 and wide trousers are now available in fall-winter hues🍂 and materials. Snap them up in stores or at hm.info/61874K2qb for your everyday comfy yet chic cold weather style! #HMDivided #HMhongkong #HMmacau #HMShopOnline