又一城 >   Greyhound Café     >

Despite this tough time, Gaia Group is dedicated to bringing you the most    

Despite this tough time, Gaia Group is dedicated to bringing you the most delicious and nourishing delicacies with our best effort!

We have newly launched a ‘Tasteful Surprise of Different Cuisines’ and various Afternoon Tea Sets for delivery, in hope to nourish your mind and body, and to cheer you up with our yummy dishes! With just a text or call, you may now enjoy our specialty dishes of different cuisines from all our outlets in the same order, from the comfort of your h...ome, with free delivery for all orders of $1000 and above. From now till April 30th, you will also receive a $50 dining vouchers to use across all restaurants in our group! Check out our menu and order now: 在此艱辛時刻,Gaia Group 繼續專注鑽研新式美味菜餚,並引入優質時令食材,為大家將美食升級,推出日日驚喜抗疫套餐及下午茶餐,讓你吃得精彩,吃得健康,為注重健康的你帶來滋補養生的美饌,以美食為各位打打氣! 現可透過網上 / WhatsApp 落單,品嚐本集團旗下不同品牌餐廳的精選菜餚。訂餐消費額滿HK$1000或以上,更可以獲豁免送餐費。而且,由即日至4月30日,惠顧外賣到戶服務,即獲贈集團旗下之餐廳$50現金券乙張。 菜單查詢及網上訂購: #delivery #staysafe 展开