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【New Looks for the New Season | 換上新裝暢享春夏】   

【New Looks for the New Season | 換上新裝暢享春夏】

Get the most out of your favorite season by wearing everything colorful and stylish! For a limited time only, shop any regular priced items to enjoy【50% off】because it’s now your time to shine! 正值春夏之季,快來換上色彩繽紛的時尚新衣,享受萬物萌動的季節!由即日起,購買任何正價貨品即享【5折】!來換上百變造型,迎接每一個晴天吧!... Find our Stores|門店位置: #GapHK #GapKids #babyGap
Offer valid while supplies last at Gap Hong Kong stores. Prior purchases do not qualify. Limited Time Offer, sale and 1969 Premium Collection and Khaki Reissue items are excluded from the regular-priced items offer. Certain restrictions apply. Visit our stores to find the detailed promotion period and other information on the in-store digital easel.
優惠僅限於香港Gap品牌門市使用。之前購買的貨品不作相應調整。正價貨品優惠不包括限時超值購、減價及GAP 1969經典高端牛仔及復古卡其系列之貨品。優惠受條款及細則限制。優惠期限及具體細節請諮詢店員,活動日期詳情以門店公示為準。 展开