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【Your Tees Just Got Comfier | T恤從此更舒適】   

【Your Tees Just Got Comfier | T恤從此更舒適】

We challenged ourselves to seek the next level of comfort, and we made it. Available in various colors and patterns, our #Dry #Jersey tees are cut from dense 100% cotton soft jersey knit to ensure long wear and lasting comfort.
懷著打造更舒適的T恤的決心,我們推出一系列不同顏色和印花的 #重磅純棉T恤。T恤以100%重磅純棉布料製成,挺身有型而且耐磨不變形,無論穿多少次都一樣舒適! See More|更多款式: #GapHK 展开