又一城 >   GapKids & babyGap     >

【Hello, world! | 世界,我來了!】   

【Hello, world! | 世界,我來了!】

Always amazed, always curious, your little ones are eager to explore the world! From #Jeans to #DenimJackets, our latest batch of ultra soft and stretchy denim is here to accompany them in their first adventures and many more adventures to come!
圓滾滾的眼睛不停轉,看來小寶貝已急不及待去探索世界了!全新嬰兒牛仔系列包括柔軟彈力 #牛仔褲 和 #牛仔外套 已登陸Gap,準備陪伴小寶貝踏上他們的首個探索之旅! See More|更多款式: #GapHK #babyGap #MyFirstDenim 展开