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【50% Off to Welcome The Year of the Mouse! | 以5折添置新衣,迎接鼠年!】   

【50% Off to Welcome The Year of the Mouse! | 以5折添置新衣,迎接鼠年!】

Can you believe Chinese New Year is just weeks away? From today, enjoy【50% off】on our new Chinese New Year collection and all new regular-priced items, so you can rock a cool festive look as the Year of the Mouse arrives!
原來不到一個月就到農曆新年了!由今日起,快來以【5折】優惠選購全新新春系列及全場新到正價貨品,以一身紅色應節造型迎接鼠年! Find our Stores|門店位置: #GapHK #GapKids #babyGap
Offer valid while supplies last at Gap Hong Kong stores. Prior purchases do not qualify. Limited Time Offer and sale items are excluded from the regular-priced items offer. Certain restrictions apply. Visit our stores to find the detailed promotion period and other information.
優惠僅限於香港Gap品牌門市使用。之前購買的貨品不作相應調整。正價貨品優惠不包括限時超值購及減價之貨品。優惠受條款及細則限制。優惠期限及具體細節請諮詢店員。 展开