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穿上一件潔白筆挺的襯衫能夠增加您,以及別人對您的信心。在整燙時參考以下的做法,能幫您更好的整燙襯衫。 在燙衣前,先在襯衫上均勻的噴灑上飲用水。採用飲用水的原因在於,相比起自來水,飲用水的礦物和雜質含量更低,因此避免了在襯衫上留下印紋。... 遵從衣領、袖口、前、後、衣袖的次序,您就能夠更方便的把握整燙的過程與力度,亦能確保最重要的位置得到充足的處理。 【Iron your shirts perfectly】
A crisp shirt boosts you confidence, and in turn makes others have more confidence in you. We have some tips that you can follow to perfectly iron your shirt. Remember to disperse drinking water evenly over your shirt before you start to iron it, because the concentration of minerals is much lower in drinking water, and can therefore avoid leaving marks on your shirt’s fabrics. The correct order of ironing your shirt should be collar first, then the cuffs, then the front, back, and lastly the sleeves. This ensures that the most important parts are taken care of with the most attention. #durbanjapan #madeinjapan See more