又一城 >   D’URBAN     >



其名取自4個意大利文詞語的首個字母-R-”raso”(柔順)、A-”abito”(西裝)、S-“special”(特別)、O-“ordire”(紡織),r.a.s.o.是由D’URBAN與日本毛織物等工業組合連合會共同研發的原創成果。這種物料具有突出的立體質感、豐富光澤、絕佳的塑形性以及輕巧不拘束的舒適感-全因對優質物料的選用以及匠心獨運的技術。 【D’URBAN fabric story – r.a.s.o.】
Derived from the first letter of 4 Italian words: R – “raso”(smooth), A – “abito”(suit), S – “special”(special), and O – “ordire”(weave), r.a.s.o. is an original material developed by D’URBAN and clothing fabric manufacturers of the Japan Worsted&W...oollen Weavers Association. It boosts an intricate three-dimensional texture, high quality luster, tailored silhouette, and lightweight, unconstrained comfort - made possible by applying premium materials and techniques. #durbanjapan #madeinjapan 展开