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📢Beyond Meat Menu買一送一!
📢Beyond Meat Menu買一送一!
📢Beyond Meat Menu買一送一!
今日係世界地球日🌍,為響應呢個咁重要嘅日,提醒大家對環境問題嘅意識,Dan Ryan’s 特別推出地球日優惠,今日全日Beyond Meat Menu買一送一!雖然Beyond Meat係素食🥬🥦,不過小編食過,無論味道同口感,同真肉🥩嘅分別真係唔大,唔講咁多,一於嚟Dan Ryan's 位於又一城、海港城同太古城分店試下啦!... 使用條款及細則:
1. 此優惠只適用於Dan Ryan’s 香港分店及只限堂食。
2. 此優惠不能與其他折扣優惠,套餐同時使用。
3. 此優惠不能拆桌分賬使用,不得折現及外帶。
4. 使用此優惠時,金額最低的菜色會被扣減 。
5. 此優惠有效期至2019年4月22日。
6. 如有任何爭議,Dan Ryan’s Chicago Grill保留使用此券的最終決定權。 📣'Buy 1 Get 1 FREE for Beyond Meat Menu!'
I repeat, 📣‘Buy 1 Get 1 FREE for Beyond Menu!’
To arouse the concern about environmental problems on the Earth Day🌎, we are presenting the special offer for TODAY. All the items on Dan Ryan’s Beyond Meat Menu are ‘Buy 1 Get 1 Free’ for today! Let’s come to our shops at Festival Walk, Ocean Terminal and Cityplaza to taste the Beyond Meat🥒🥑! Terms & Conditions:
1. This offer is valid at Dan Ryan’s Chicago Grill Hong Kong and for dine-in only.
2. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts, promotions and set menus.
3. No splitting bills or separate into two tables are allowed.
4. The least valued item will be waived.
5. This offer valid until 22 April 2019.
6. For any disputes, Dan Ryan’s Chicago Grill reserves the right to make the final decision.
#Danryans #Danryan #EarthDay #BeyondMeat #vegetarian #SpecialOffer #SaveTheEarth #GreenDay #EatBeyond #LiveBeyond #OceanTerminal #Cityplaza #FestivalWalk See more