又一城 > Ciao Chow >
That's funny - the NBA Finals AND the Stanley Cup Finals are just around the corner.
That's funny - the NBA Finals AND the Stanley Cup Finals are just around the corner.
I wonder where we can watch them. Stay tuned with Ciao Chow. NBA總決賽及NHL史丹利杯總決賽即將開始,係時候計劃去邊度睇直播﹗
想邊睇邊暢飲?請密切期待Ciao Chow最新動向﹗
I wonder where we can watch them. Stay tuned with Ciao Chow. NBA總決賽及NHL史丹利杯總決賽即將開始,係時候計劃去邊度睇直播﹗
想邊睇邊暢飲?請密切期待Ciao Chow最新動向﹗