又一城 >   Ciao Chow     >

Round up your friends and make sure your last meal of 2019 is one to remember!   

Round up your friends and make sure your last meal of 2019 is one to remember! Our classic Italian NYE buffet includes all the best bits of traditional Italian cuisine; the most authentic AVPN certified, Italian-style pizza to be found in Hong Kong, exquisite fresh pasta dishes, our renowned 'meat craving station' with succulent house-made roast meats, bountiful cheese, cold-cut and salad stations, all topped off with the most tempting Italian desserts

All-you-can-eat Buffet: HK$488 / per person
Free Flow Add-on: +HK$198 / per person Open Bar, 10pm - 1am
Free Flow: HK$388 / per person
2019年話咁快就接近尾聲,Ciao Chow為大家準備具意式風情嘅除夕夜自助餐俾大家與摯愛共度難忘一夜。 除左有拿坡里AVPN認證嘅薄餅外,仲有多款精選意粉,配上自家 'meat craving station‘烤肉、來自世界各地嘅芝士、凍盤、沙律自助吧,最後品嚐意式甜品,多種滋味喚醒你嘅味蕾! 再另加無限暢飲至凌晨1點,與摯愛好友歡度一個與眾不同的除夕夜🎉。 請即訂座,先到先得。
2019年12月31日 6-10pm
Free Flow: +HK$198/每位 Open Bar 10pm-1am
Free Flow: HK$388 /每位
☎Advance bookings 立即訂座
Tel: +852 2344 0005
WhatsApp : Email: contact.us@ciaochow.com.hk
G/F, California Tower, Lan Kwai Fong, Central
#Ciaochowhk #CertifiedNeapolitanPizza #AuthenticallyItalian #NYEbuffet #NYE 展开