又一城 >   Bally     >

Did you know? Our 2020 #BallyPeakOutlook expedition team walked a distance    

Did you know? Our 2020 #BallyPeakOutlook expedition team walked a distance of 452 kilometers with a total elevation gain of 11,500m, reaching its highest point at Baruntse (7,129m) after starting from Khumjung (3,780m), its lowest altitude. Dawa Steven Sherpa also led the team to climb two mountains, Baruntse (7,129m) and Mera Peak (6,540m), and crossing four alpine glaciated passes, Chola Pass (5,440m), Amphulabsa Pass (5,870m), West Col (6,140m) and Sherpani Col (6,147m), since official trails were closed due to Covid-19. Adhering to strict safety and health protocol measures, alternate, remote routes were taken to prevent any possibility of inter-village transmission. #8X8000M