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車水馬龍、 夜幕璀璨等景色, 往往是香港給人的印象。 然而, 香港的郊野與市區其實僅咫尺之距,   

車水馬龍、 夜幕璀璨等景色, 往往是香港給人的印象。 然而, 香港的郊野與市區其實僅咫尺之距, 卻能帶給你完全不一樣的體驗。 最佳的方法便是親身出外遠足, 感受大自然的壯麗。 在香港遠足的最佳月份正正是由10月到4月, 而且有很多遠足路徑可以選擇!⁣

鳳凰山海拔934米, 是香港第二高的山峰, 亦是香港觀賞日出的熱門地, 有不少人為了拍下日出最美一刻而攀登。 天氣晴朗的時候, 在鳳凰山山頂可以飽覽香港國際機場、 東涌以至大嶼山一帶的景色, 是行山郊遊的好去處。⁣

天壇大佛被譽為大嶼山最著名的旅遊點之一, 是世界上第二大的戶外青銅座佛, 鄰近寶蓮禪寺, 由昂坪市集出發, 只有約10分鐘步行距離。 除了在藍天白雲下盡現莊嚴偉, 天壇大佛每逢農曆初一、 十五晚上都會亮燈, 入黑時分坐在纜車上欣賞, 可給你另一種體會。⁣...

Though Hong Kong is thought of as a concrete jungle, its density means that the wild outdoors is closer to downtown streets than it is in other parts of the world so those healthy escapes are easily attained. The best way to take it all in is to get out there and hike. The best months to visit Hong Kong's trails are October to April, and there are many destinations to choose from!⁣

At 934 m above sea level, Lantau Peak is the second tallest peak in Hong Kong. As a hot spot to appreciate sun rise in Hong Kong, this is where many people would climb up just to capture the beautiful moment of the sun rising. When the weather is nice, you can see the Hong Kong International Airport, Tung Chung and most of the island from Lantau Peak. This is undoubtedly a lovely hiking destination.⁣

The Big Buddha is famed as the most iconic attraction of Lantau. It is the second largest outdoor bronze seated Buddha. Sitting next to the Po Lin Monastery, it is only a 10-minute walk away from Ngong Ping Village. In addition to appreciating the magnificence of the Big Buddha under the blue sky, you can also take a cable car ride after sunset on the 1st and 15th day of the lunar calendar to look at the lit-up Big Buddha.⁣

#Repost from 📸@noviange_, @sankeio⁣

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