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勿讓負面情緒支配你! 走進大自然的懷抱中, 享受陽光的照耀, 有助提升能量和改善情緒。   

勿讓負面情緒支配你! 走進大自然的懷抱中, 享受陽光的照耀, 有助提升能量和改善情緒。如果未能抽空出門散步, 便可以嘗試在家進行冥想。只需花幾分鐘讓自己保持正念 —— 專注於當下, 忘記過去和未來, 回復積極正面的情緒。⁣⁣ Don’t let negative thoughts bombard your mind! Spend some good time with nature and enjoy the sunshine will help increase your energy and boost your mind. If going outside for a stroll isn’t an option, you can try to do meditation at home. Just give yourself a few minutes to go mindfulness and bring back your positive mood.⁣⁣

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