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敬請期待新品到港! Susanne Kaufmann 明眸滾珠眼部精華: 對保養敏感的眼部肌膚尤其重要。⁣⁣   

敬請期待新品到港! Susanne Kaufmann 明眸滾珠眼部精華: 對保養敏感的眼部肌膚尤其重要。⁣⁣

日常生活中, 我們的眼周肌膚承受著巨大的壓力: 面部表情、陽光和來自智能電話和電腦的藍光會嚴重損害皮膚及彈性。滾珠按摩設計可輕柔地按摩眼周範圍, 從而增強微循環。此外, 它還有即時的冷卻效果, 令眼睛更有神采。產品效果顯著, 能立即清除眼周積聚的液體和毒素、明顯減少浮腫、有助消除黑眼圈、撫平眼周紋理。清涼的啫喱質感配合滾珠設計有助迅速吸收, 並有消除疲勞、緊緻和補濕的作用。⁣⁣
1) 早上, 輕輕用力把按摩棒從內眼角按摩至眼角, 可用指尖輕拍吸收精華 (將按摩棒放在雪櫃能增強清涼及消腫效果), 適合所有皮膚類型使用⁣⁣

2) 隨時使用, 令眼部回復神采⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Stay tuned, new product arriving soon!⁣⁣
Susanne Kaufmann Eye Rescue Stick, which is particularly important for the sensitive eye area.⁣⁣
The skin surrounding the eye is subjected to enormous strain: facial expressions, sunlight and constant blue light from mobile phones and PCs severely damage the skin and its elasticity. The practical roll-on stick gently massages the area around the eyes, intensifying the microcirculation. It also has an immediate cooling effect for a refreshed look. Helps to remove accumulated liquid and toxins from the eyes immediately, visibly reducing swelling, eliminates dark circles around the eyes, smoothes wrinkles around the eyes. The cooling gel in roll-on format absorbs quickly, has a refreshing, firming and moisturising effect.⁣⁣
1) In the morning, roll the stick with light pressure from the inner corner of the eye to the outside. Dab in serum lightly with fingertips if necessary (store the stick in the refrigerator to enhance its cooling effect), the stick is suitable for all skin types.

⁣2) Use the Eye Rescue Stick in between to refresh the eye area⁣⁣
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