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Ogaenics植物性維他命C 維他命C是對人體免疫及神經系統很重要的營養素, 它有助製造膠原蛋白及傷口癒合。   

Ogaenics植物性維他命C 維他命C是對人體免疫及神經系統很重要的營養素, 它有助製造膠原蛋白及傷口癒合。它亦是強效的抗氧化劑, 能保護細胞免受自由基侵害, 對於生活壓力大、經常體力勞動或做運動的人士十分適合。

‧ 支持因生活緊張或體力勞動而增加維他命C的需要...
‧ 改善精神及提升神經系統功能
‧ 有助膠原蛋白合成, 讓肌膚更健康 Ogaenics Healthy Kick Plant-based Vitamin C Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient; it helps keep your immune and nervous systems healthy, it aids in the production of collagen and in wound healing. It is also an essential anti-oxidant, especially important for those who live active, stressful lifestyles, and for those who regularly engage in intense physical activity, because it helps neutralise free radicals and therefore protect our cells.

‧ replenishes vitamin C lost to intense physical activity and stressful lifestyles
‧ provides energy, promotes mental balance and clarity
‧ helps produce collagen for beautiful skin Follow us on instagram @beyorg
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