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隨身必備: 能有效舒緩長時間戴口罩帶來的悶熱感! [產品已經售罄, 現接受預訂: 新貨將於2月底到港] 被雜誌專業編輯挑選為英國Vogue名人堂百年慶典的美妝名品之一,   

隨身必備: 能有效舒緩長時間戴口罩帶來的悶熱感! [產品已經售罄, 現接受預訂: 新貨將於2月底到港] 被雜誌專業編輯挑選為英國Vogue名人堂百年慶典的美妝名品之一, de Mamiel 高空舒壓精油是所有女士手袋必備的。 在忙碌的一天中, 這款精心創造的混合精油可消除許多都市人的壓力。⁣⁣長時間在辦公桌上、冷氣間或乘坐飛機、公共汽車和火車旅行時, 都可將高空舒壓精油當成一種全能的急救品, 幾次深呼吸可以立即令你感到舒緩、精神抖擻。 Best product for you to ease ill feeling during face mask protection! —...

[Pre-order: the product is sold out and will be available again by the end of February] Selected as part of Vogue's Centenary celebration Beauty Hall of Fame, de Mamiel Altitude Oil is the handbag must-have for all - a naturally potent pick me up. Just a few deep breaths of this of lovingly created, sensory blend of luxurious plant oils throughout a busy day counteracts a multitude of modern-day stresses.⁣⁣ Inhale when in need of a lift through long days at your desk in stale air-con or when traveling on planes, buses and trains. Think of Altitude Oil as a do-it-all tonic to simultaneously soothe, revive and thrive when you’re rushed off your feet. Follow us on instagram @beyorg
#AltitudeOil #deMamiel #BEYORG #TurnOrganic #OrganicSkincare See more