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有機🎄有禮! Primavera甜睡好夢套裝 / 身體護理套裝🎁 🎁Primavera甜睡好夢套裝   

有機🎄有禮! Primavera甜睡好夢套裝 / 身體護理套裝🎁 🎁Primavera甜睡好夢套裝

睡眠噴霧由薰衣草, 橙花及雲呢拿調配而成, 能平静心情助你睡前放鬆精神。套裝附上由有機棉製成的睡眠眼罩則有助入眠, 是旅遊的良伴。... 🎁Primavera身體護理套裝
套裝包含乳霜狀的沐浴霜與甜蜜潤膚油。甜蜜香氣來自大馬士革玫瑰精油、橘子精油、橙花精油的奇妙配合, 是送禮的絕佳選擇! Organic Christmas🎄gifts for people you care about! Primavera I Wish you Sweet Dreams / I Wish you All the Best🎁⁣ 🎁Primavera I Wish you Sweet Dreams
The pillow mist contains a blend of lavender, neroli and vanilla that supports a peaceful slumber. The sleeping mask made of organic cotton completes the set. 🎁Primavera I Wish you All the Best
A creamy body wash paired with a pampering, fragrant body oil. The duo is enriched with Damask rose and nourishing qualities of tangerine and neroli. Follow us on instagram @beyorg
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