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懷孕期保持美麗也是必不可少的!使用天然礦物彩妝,讓你懷孕時仍然可以看起來很美! 來自德國的 Primavera 被稱為芳香療法的專家, 也是與我們合作最為緊密的品牌之一。   

懷孕期保持美麗也是必不可少的!使用天然礦物彩妝,讓你懷孕時仍然可以看起來很美! 來自德國的 Primavera 被稱為芳香療法的專家, 也是與我們合作最為緊密的品牌之一。我們與品牌合力研發及推出了一款神奇的配方-預防, 去除妊娠紋油配方 (經NaTrue認證, 100%有機)。我們的美容顧問會為你即埸新鮮調配, 讓你回到家便可馬上使用! 1) 預防配方包括: 2支有機甜杏仁油100ml, 1支有機小麥胚芽油100ml... 2) 去除配方包括: 1支有機甜杏仁油100ml, 3支玫瑰果籽油30ml ⠀⠀⠀⠀

另外, 我們亦十分推薦Little Butterfly修復妊娠紋乳霜。一款質感幼滑的乳霜內含經科學驗證的活性成分, 能深層滋養, 提供持久補水, 提升肌膚彈性, 平滑並有助減少妊娠紋, 讓肌膚保持均勻細緻。產品經歐盟Ecocert有機認證。 Indeed beauty for pregnant women is also essential! You can still look beautiful while pregnant with natural and organic products!
One of the brands we collaborate closely with is Primavera from Germany. We've co-developed the miracle formula for the Prevention and Removal of stretch marks (NaTrue certified, 100% organic). Our beauty consultants will blend it for you in the shops and so it's super fresh and ready to be used instantly:
1) Prevention Formula includes: Almond Oil 100ml x2, Wheat Germ Oil 100ml x1 2) Removal Formula includes: Almond Oil 100ml x1, Rose Hip Seed Oil 30ml x3 ⠀⠀⠀⠀

We also recommend Little Butterfly Stretch Mark Butter, which features a blend of creamy whipped butters alongside effective and scientifically validated active ingredients to deeply nourish, deliver long-lasting moisture, optimize skin elasticity, smooth and help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, deliver a firm, toned and youthful appearance. It is certified organic by Ecocert. #mothercare #pregnancy #BEYORG #TurnOrganic #OrganicSkincare 展开