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惱人的妊娠紋向來都是孕婦最在意和擔心的問題。⁣⁣⁣⁣ 其實妊娠紋並非避無可避或無法消除,   

惱人的妊娠紋向來都是孕婦最在意和擔心的問題。⁣⁣⁣⁣ 其實妊娠紋並非避無可避或無法消除, 你只須在懷孕前期開始額外護理, 便可大大減低妊娠紋出現的機會。⁣⁣⁣⁣ 如果妊娠紋已經出現也不要氣餒, 還是有方法可以減淡甚至消除妊娠紋!⁣

口碑最強! 我們與德國品牌Primavera合力研發的預防和去除妊娠紋油配方 (經NaTrue認證, 100%有機), 多年來深受孕婦客人的愛戴。 預防配方可增強皮膚彈性, 令肌膚於懷孕期保持柔軟嫩滑, 有效預防妊娠紋出現。⁣⁣⁣⁣ 而去除配方內的玫瑰果籽油有助淡化舊有妊娠紋, 修復肌膚組織彈性。⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

無論到店或網上購物, 我們接到訂單後, 都會馬上為你新鮮調配好配方, 在家可以馬上使用!⁣⁣...
1) 預防配方包括: 2支有機甜杏仁油100ml, 1支有機小麥胚芽油100ml⁣⁣
2) 去除配方包括: 1支有機甜杏仁油100ml, 3支玫瑰果籽油30ml ⁣⁣

Stretch marks have always been a common annoyance during pregnancy. But in fact, stretch marks are not inevitable or impossible to get rid of. The best chance of reducing the appearance of stretch marks is to take extra care of your skin from the first trimester. Don’t get discouraged if those little lines have already started to appear. You still have the chance to fade them!⁣

One of the brands we collaborate closely with is Primavera from Germany. We've co-developed the miracle formula for the Prevention and Removal of stretch marks (NaTrue certified, 100% organic). It has been the must-have item for our pregnant customers ever since its launch. The prevention formula prevents stretch mark lines from forming and enhances tissue elasticity, keeps skin supple and soft. The rosehip seed oil from the removal blend is highly-effective in removing stretch marks and repairing tissue elasticity. ⁣

We will blend it for you in the shops as well as for online orders, so it's super fresh and ready to be used instantly!⁣

1) Prevention Formula includes: Almond Oil 100ml x2, Wheat Germ Oil 100ml x1 ⠀⠀⁣
2) Removal Formula includes: Almond Oil 100ml x1, Rose Hip Seed Oil 30ml x3⁣⁣

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